A group of evangelical Christian leaders signed and issued a statement that affirms what they believe to be the biblical view on sex, gender, and marriage. There has been a tremendous backlash in the mainstream and social media world against the so-called Nashville Statement. From the now-standard accusations of bigotry and hatred to the issuing of counter-statements, opinions are raging from both the inside and the outside of the church walls. Andy, Steve, and Terry bring their opinions to the table, too, in this week's episode of the AC Podcast.

For context, we encourage you to read the Nashville Statement before you listen to this episode.

Discussing the Nashville Statement

Links & Articles

The Nashville Statement from the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Statement from Christians United

Keeping Christianity weird: Why the Nashville Statement matters by Denny Burk published by The Hill

The Nashville Statement is an attack on LGBT Christians by Eliel Cruz published by the New York Times

I signed the Nashville Statement. It's an expression of love for same-sex attracted people by Albert Mohler Jr. published by the Washington Post

Former Lesbian Explains Why She Signed the Nashville Statement from The Christian Post

Seven simple ways to respond to the Nashville Statement by Fr. James Martin SJ published by the Washington Post

Fr. James Martin Burned the Bridges to My LGBT Friends by Jason Scott Jones published by The Stream

Why the Rejection of the Nashville Statement on Sexuality is a Rejection of the Bible by Michael L. Brown published by Townhall

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Outro Music


The Beat Of The Land
by Jack Roll

3 thoughts on “Discussing the Nashville Statement”

  1. Pingback: BONUS: Denny Burk on the Nashville Statement - Apologetics Canada

  2. I know I’m a couple weeks late to this, and I don’t know if you guys addressed this elsewhere at a later time, but Preston Sprinkle is probably not a celibate man with homosexual feelings. I don’t know much about him, but he has a wife and 4 kids.

  3. This surely is a subject the Church cannot ignore or hide from.
    “Through the Eye of a Needle” (a Memoir) is a practical, true and moving story about this subject, providing the reader with valuable information from a different but interesting viewpoint.


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